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Issued March 03, 2010

Statement by SEIU President Andy Stern on Moving Forward with Health Insurance Reform

Insurance companies cannot and must not be the ones to determine our country's future."

Washington, D.C. - After the President's remarks regarding the path forward on healthcare reform Service Employees International Union President Andy Stern released the following statement:

"For too long, insurance companies have called the shots - standing between people and their doctors. Refusing coverage because you were once sick. Denying you needed treatments because they say so. Dropping your insurance because you got too sick.

"The President made clear today, no more. Insurance companies cannot and must not be the ones to determine our country's future.

"That is exactly why it is time to move forward with the President's proposal. Because in this great country of ours, we cannot stand idly by and allow any more Melanies to suffer. Melanie Shouse, a 41-year old health reform activist, died earlier this month after a long, painful battle with her health insurance company over coverage for the chemotherapy she desperately needed.

"It's just that simple - no more. And, it's unfortunate that Republicans don't see it that way. Despite agreeing with much of the President's proposal, what they don't agree with is that we must regulate insurance companies to put an end to their worst practices.

"But right now, it's time to move forward. It's time for Congress to take that simple up or down vote.

"Because this is our moment. Our moment to stop insurance abuses. To bring down costs for families, for businesses, for governments that are all struggling. To make sure everyday working people have the same choices with healthcare that Members of Congress do. To create more than two and a half million good jobs.

"This is the future our families need. It's the future they deserve. A future where every American can have peace of mind that their care trumps insurance greed."



Updated Jul 15, 2015