Lori Lodes, 202.368.6584
Issued November 07, 2009
SEIU: House of Representatives Stand on Right Side of History
Courage and Leadership Win Out Over Political Gamesmanship and Insurance Industry Profits
Washington, DC - Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Andy Stern released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed America's Affordable Health Choices Act:
Real leadership does not govern out of fear but looks at the obstacles facing our country and pushes for bold solutions that live up to our country's promise. Like the creation of Medicare and Social Security, today's historic passage of the Affordable Health Choices Act by the House of Representatives will be remembered as a pinnacle moment when Congress showed the courage necessary to live up to our American ideals."
SEIU's members have been on the front lines for more than a decade in the fight to reach this historic moment. Its two point one million members - nurses, doctors, janitors, nursing home workers, child care providers - spent these years knocking on doors, making tens of thousands of phone calls, and donating their time and money to make sure Congress delivered meaningful reform.
Stern continued, "The Affordable Health Choices Act guarantees quality health insurance is affordable and that the insurance industry can no longer stand in the way of people getting the care they need at a price they can afford.
"This bill finally holds insurance companies accountable and makes sure they can never deny someone care because of an alleged 'pre-existing condition' such as a C-Section or pregnancy or rape.
"The House of Representative's legislation proves we can assure every American the access to quality comprehensive healthcare reform - and not add a single dime to our country's deficit. What's more, we can do it responsibly so as not to add another burden to working Americans.
"We heard enough of 'No We Can't' from the insurance industry, special interests and Republicans today and we will not let them stand in the way of a healthcare system that Americans have fought for nearly a century to realize."
"As we celebrate the historic nature of today's vote, we cannot lose sight of the fight that lies ahead. While the House has demonstrated leadership in voting for strong health insurance reform, it is now up to the Senate to lead with the same audacity to guarantee that meaningful health insurance reform does in fact happen this year."
Updated Jul 15, 2015