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Lori Lodes, (202) 368-6584

Issued October 13, 2009

What Side of History Will Our Senators Stand?

Senate Finance Committee vote puts America one step closer to reform, now we must make reform truly meaningful.

Today, we stand on the brink of making history and giving every American the promise of health insurance reform that no longer leaves families at the mercy of an insurance industry driven by profits and greed," said Andy Stern, President of Service Employees International Union. "And as we stand at this pivotal moment, we must ask:ill our Senators live up to the promise of reform they made to the American people or stand with an industry that has turned their backs on meaningful reform?

"With the Senate Finance Committee's historic vote on health insurance reform today, Congress has made clear that the status quo is not an option. It comes as no surprise however, that Senator Olympia Snowe is the lone Republican to recognize what every family across this country knows, we can and we must do better.

"Now, Majority Leadereidustring a bill to the Senate Floor that helps Americans likeoberta Howard. Roberta lost her health insurance after losing her job and was diagnosed with cancer just seven days later. Unfortunately, the Senate Finance bill does not go far enough to protect Roberta and other Americans from the crippling cost of healthcare."

The American people deserve a healthcare system that they can count on, one that guarantees:

  • Every American can afford to pay for their coverage,
  • Everyone shares responsibility, including business,
  • Reform is paid for but not at the expense of working middle-class families, and
  • People have the choice of a public option so insurance companies can no longer run roughshod over our families.

SEIU's 2.1 million nurses, doctors, security guards, and janitors will keep working to make sure any health insurance reform legislation is worthy of their support and truly makes healthcare affordable for all Americans. /p>

"At this point, the only people who can stop meaningful reform from being delivered are the sixty Democratic members of the United State Senate who werelected by the American people on a promise thathey would stand for change, stand up to the special interests, and stand proudly for an American healthcare system that works," said Stern.



Updated Jul 15, 2015