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Ali Jost, (202) 730-7159,

Issued October 13, 2009

SEIU Members Join Thousands at U.S. Capitol to Renew Push for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Joined by legislators, thousands of workers, families and clergy call for an end to divisive, costly immigration policies that separate families, harm all workers

Washington, DC--Today, over 400 SEIU members joined fellow activists and religious leaders for a day of religious ceremonies and visits with lawmakers to urge Congress to advance legislation that will overhaul the U.S.'s broken immigration policies. Following testimonials from workers facing job loss, exploitation and family separation as a result of broken laws, Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL) joined other key immigration reform allies at Capitol Hill rally to outline reform legislation they expect to move forward in the House and Senate in coming months.

We've traveled to Washington to tell our Congressman to stop costly immigration enforcement policies that rip families apart, upset workplaces and harm local communities," said Julio Sotelo, an SEIU Local 26 member who cleans office buildings in Minneapolis, MN and who traveled over 23 hours by bus to attend today's day of action. "I am not just bringing this message to Washington for me or my family; I am standing up today for the millions of families, workers and children affected by these tired, broken laws. On behalf of all these families--immigrant and non immigrant--it is critical that Congress move quickly to advance real reform."

In one of ten busses of out-of-town activists that descended on Washington, DC today, over 30 members of SEIU Local 26--cleaning service worker who have experienced first-hand the fallout from aggressive enforcement of broken immigration laws--traveled from Minneapolis to urge Congress to move forward on immigration reform legislation. After lobby visits, SEIU Local 26 members were joined by thousands from the DC area--including hundreds of cleaners and security officers from SEIU 32BJ--for a public rally at the U.S. Capitol with key legislators.

"Every day that we delay on passing comprehensive immigration reform, we create unnecessary divisions in our workforce, cost taxpayers billions of wasted dollars, and impede our nation's economic recovery," said Jaime Contreras, President of SEIU 32BJ DC Metro Region who also spoke at the rally. "Replacing chaos with a system that is controlled and fair will not just end family separation, border deaths and exploitation--comprehensive immigration reform will steer our country on a stronger course and raise standards for all workers."

The Capitol Hill rally featured Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and other prominent lawmakers--including: Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairwoman Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Chairman Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA), and Congressional Black Caucus Member Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY)--who spoke about the urgent need for reform to address family separation, protect the rights of immigrant and non-immigrant workers, and strengthening the U.S. economy.

Rep. Gutierrez, chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Immigration Task Force, outlined specifics of immigration reform legislation he plans to introduce in the House in coming weeks. Legislation elements discussed included: a rational, humane approach to the undocumented population; protections for U.S. and immigrant workers; sufficient visas to close unlawful migration channels; enhancing our nation's security and safety; establish a strategic border enforcement policy that reflects American values; keeping American families together; promoting immigrant integration; including the DREAM Act and AgJOBS; and protecting fundamental rights for all.

"I leave today's rally touched by the courage of fellow activists and re-energized to continue the fight for smart, humane reforms to our country's broken immigration system," said Julia Marroqun, 19 year old DREAM student from Minneapolis and daughter of SEIU Local 26 member Lucresia Mares. "There are too many families separated, too many lives destroyed by failed immigration policies that benefit no one. This is our moment to put behind us the failures of the past and reform the U.S. immigration system once and for all so that it supports all U.S. families and strengthens this country that we love."

Today's day of action was sponsored by the Reform Immigration FOR America campaign, the National Capital Immigration Coalition, and Families United/Familias Unidas. For more information or to interview SEIU members who participated, please contact Ali Jost at

SEIU's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Principles:

A comprehensive solution would couple enforcement at the border and in the workplace with a path to earned legalization for all hard working immigrants. It will also replace guest worker programs with a system that guarantees immigrant workers full labor and civil rights protections, and a path to U.S. citizenship. Done together, these reforms will finally restore the rule of law and eliminate an informal labor market that drives down wages and labor protections for all U.S. workers. Read more about the Change to Win and AFL-CIO's Unified Immigration Reform Framework.



Updated Jul 15, 2015