Mark McCullough, (202) 730-7283
Issued October 22, 2009
SEIU Members Call Out Christie's Record on Women and Families in New TV Ad
Newark, NJ - Today, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) launched a new television ad that will call attention to Republican Gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie's record on women and families. The ad, titled What Do We Know?," will air on local cable across southern New Jersey during the critical closing days of the Gubernatorial campaign.
"Time and again, Chris Christie has chosen his corporate backers over New Jersey's working women--opposing paid family leave and crackdowns on insurance companies," said SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger. "Governor Corzine has been a true leader and advocate for working women and their families, even as the state battled to cope with President Bush's recession. We will not stand on the sidelines as his record of accomplishment is attacked by someone who would rather pad insurance company profits than require them to cover needed care like mammograms and childhood checkups."
Under Governor Corzine, New Jersey became the second state in the nation to enact a to enact a child health care mandate and a Family Leave Insurance law to help working families care for sick family members. New Jersey now leads the nation in preschool enrollment after Governor Corzine prioritized high quality early childhood education.
The ad, produced by The New Media Firm, can be viewed at:
The transcript follows:
"What Do We Know?" - 30 seconds
VO: So what do we know about Chris Christie?
Well, we know he called government funding for pre-school "simply wrong."
We know he opposes the paid family leave law that lets us take care of sick loved ones.
And we also know he'd let insurance companies stop covering checkups for kids - and mammograms for women.
So what do we know about Chris Christie?
We know enough to know he's wrong for New Jersey.
* Pre-K funding "simply wrong"
Source: Star Ledger, 5/14/09
* Opposes family leave
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/13/09
* No mandates for child visits, mammograms
Sources:; Council for Affordable Health Insurance; National Conference of State Legislatures; Families USA
Updated Jul 15, 2015