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Ramona Oliver, (202) 360-6258 & Mark McCullough, (202) 730-7283

Issued August 06, 2009

Radical-Fringe Obstructs Health Reform, Promotes Disruption and Mythology

SEIU Challenges Radical-Fringe to Participate in a Civil Dialogue about Health Care Reform

During the past several days, radical-fringe opponents of health care reform have disrupted town hall meetings conducted by members of Congress. At the same time, these radical-fringe groups are disseminating discredited myths about health care reform bills that were adopted by four Congressional committees. The following is the statement from SEIU Healthcare Chair Dennis Rivera about this development:

At the same time that America's families are seeking relief from fast-rising and unaffordable health care costs, extreme radicals and corporate front groups are trying to derail health insurance reform by disrupting public meetings. While SEIU and allies across the country are staging more than 400 events to promote a real discussion on the country's need for healthcare reform, these 'Astroturf' organizations, are spreading ludicrous, discredited myths designed to scare people away from much-needed reform.

"America's families want a serious and civil discourse about health insurance reform. They want to know how health insurance reform will protect them and their loved ones.

"We, therefore, challenge everyone attending public meetings about health insurance reform to sign a pledge that they are prepared to engage in a civil dialogue so that the American people can better understand how reform, and the absence of such reform, will affect their lives.

"We are convinced that such a serious and civil discourse - tied to facts, not myths - will substantially increase the public's support for reform.

"America's families want the peace of mind that comes with knowing that health insurance and care can never be taken away - when they switch jobs, lose jobs, start a business, or become sick. That's why a civil discourse is so important, and that's why health insurance reform is essential."

To sign and share the town hall pledge for civil dialogue, click here [PDF] or visit

"If we're going to have a successful democratic society,
we have to have a well educated and healthy citizenry."
-Thomas Jefferson

Town Hall Meetings are a Pillar of our American Democracy, But Members of the Radical Fringe Are Hijacking Town Halls with Cheap Scare Tactics and Intimidation.

Unfortunately, some members of the radical fringe and naysayers of reform are using disruptive tactics in an effort to hijack democratic forums. Not only are they preventing participants from having a meaningful discussion, they aim to intimidate and invoke fear. These lobbyist-run groups have overstepped their bounds. It's time to reclaim our democracy and have a civil debate on how to fix our broken health insurance system.

Protect Our Democracy!

No one should be subject to the scare tactics of those who want to delay and deny health care. Sign this pledge and take back your democratic freedom:

  • I am attending this town hall to learn and contribute to public discourse.
  • I hereby pledge to contribute to public debate about important health care issues our country faces without being disruptive or disrespectful.
  • I will honor the long-standing American tradition of town hall meetings and public forums to allow citizens to participate in our democracy.
  • I pledge to allow the opinions of fellow attendees to be heard even if I disagree.

Signature: ________________________ Date: ____________

Sign the pledge here.

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With 2.1 million members in Canada, the United States and Puerto Rico, SEIU is the fastest-growing union in the Americas. Focused on uniting workers in healthcare, public services and property services, SEIU members are winning better wages, healthcare and more secure jobs for our communities, while uniting their strength with their counterparts around the world to help ensure that workers--not just corporations and CEOs--benefit from today's global economy."


Updated Jul 16, 2015