Ali Jost, 202-730-7159
Issued July 06, 2009
Protect Democracy in Honduras
Washington DC--Today the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), standing in solidarity with sister organizations in Honduras--the Unitary Central of Honduran Workers (CUTH), the Confederation of Honduran Workers (CTH), the General Workers Central (CGT), and the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA), which represents over 45 million workers in the hemisphere--issued the following statement condemning the military coup that resulted in the illegal ouster of democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya.
We denounce this unconscionable attack on the fundamental rights and liberties of the Honduran people." said Eliseo Medina, SEIU Executive Vice President. "We are extremely concerned to hear eyewitness reports that civil society organizations, including trade unions, have been tear-gassed and beaten by the armed forces. Many have been injured and dozens have been arrested. We have received information from Honduras that there are lists of trade union leaders threatened with detention and whose personal safety is at risk.
"SEIU calls on the United States government and the international community--particularly the Organization of American States and the United Nations--to take all measures within its diplomatic powers to protect democracy in Honduras. We also ask that they intervene to ensure that all Honduran civilians, particularly trade unionists and social activists denouncing the coup, are safe and secure and will not be victimized by violence and repression.
"This military coup risks a dangerous destabilization in the region, and threatens the very institutions and systems which have been put in place to assure democracy, peace and stability. Trade union leaders have called for an indefinite, pacific, general strike until President Zelaya is returned. SEIU will continue to support, for as long as necessary, those who are raising their voices to demand a rapid return to democracy in Honduras," stated Mr. Medina.
Updated Jul 15, 2015