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Lori Lodes, (202) 730-7680 and Mark McCullough, (202) 730-7283

Issued July 02, 2009

HELP Committee Seizes Moment to Drive Down Healthcare Costs and Guarantee Choice for All Working Families

WASHINGTON, DC -- Service Employees International Union President Andy Stern released the following statement on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee's release of their complete bill.

Can't, hopeless and impossible are not part of Joan Nemeth's working vocabulary. As an in-home healthcare worker in Billings, Montana, Nemeth helps clients with daily tasks like bathing, dressing, cooking, exercises, medications, and taking the time to just sit and talk. While she performs miracles helping a quadriplegic client gain more flexibility or a developmentally disabled client gain more independence, she could not properly take care of herself for 14 years because she did not have any healthcare coverage.

"The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee recognize what Joan, the American public and the President do: skyrocketing healthcare costs are crushing families, businesses and the government. The Committee clearly understands that this path is unsustainable. Their bill drives down costs for families through meaningful reforms that reduce premiums and out of pocket expenses for working families, guarantees the choice of a quality public health insurance option, and enhances employer responsibility.

"The Senate HELP Committee's inclusion of a strong public health insurance option, as part of a comprehensive healthcare reform bill, proves their commitment to driving down costs, expanding coverage, and ensuring consumer choice and access. A public insurance option guarantees competition and holds private insurers accountable, giving workers like Joan Nemeth the peace of mind of an affordable choice when it comes to caring for their families.

"Everyone - individuals, business, and government - must come together and share responsibility in solving America's healthcare crisis. By building on the employer-based system, the Senate HELP Committee has lowered costs and put money back in our working families pockets through employer responsibility and a strong public health insurance plan.

"The Senate HELP Committee has seized this moment to ensure workers like Joan Nemeth will not have to wait any longer for quality, affordable healthcare coverage. Instead of worrying about how they could afford the mortgage if they get sick or how much longer they can put off going to see the doctor, they can instead focus on their families, their job and their communities.

"Reform would be meaningless if working people can't afford to purchase coverage or can't afford to get the care they need once they are covered and the HELP bill ensures healthcare reform will be meaningful. The time is now - we cannot wait."



Updated Jul 15, 2015