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Christy Setzer 202-730-7349

Issued May 12, 2009

Religious Leaders Call on Congress to Pass Employee Free Choice Act

Faith Leaders for Workplace Fairness" says labor law reform, restoring balance to economy, is "a moral imperative"

Washington, DC-- Prominent interfaith leaders today called on Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act, calling it a "moral imperative" and a civil and human right. The diverse group included Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners, Dr. Joseph Fahey of Catholic Scholars for Worker Justice, Bishop Greg Rickel of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, and Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, former Executive Director of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation. Leaders of the new group, called Faith Leaders for Workplace Fairness, spoke on a conference call for press moderated by Kim Bobo of Interfaith Worker Justice.

"We need to pass the Employee Free Choice Act because at the heart of this debate is the moral issue of fairness in the need to level the playing field between employee and employer," said Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners. "The great chasm that's grown between CEO salaries and that of average workers should deeply concern not just union members, but every Member of Congress, every CEO, and everyone who cares about the future of our economy."

The Employee Free Choice Act, currently being considered in Congress, would allow workers to bargain with their employers for better job security, wages and benefits, institute meaningful penalties for employers who violate the law when workers attempt to form a union, and put a stop to endless delays so workers can get a first contract.

While millions of Americans are losing their jobs, health care and retirement security--last month's employment figures show 8.9 percent of Americans currently unemployed, the highest level in a generation--CEOs and top-level employees continue to reap the lion's share of corporate profits. CEOs currently make 344 times the salary of their average employee. Meanwhile, corporate lobbyists have vehemently opposed legislation like the Employee Free Choice Act, which would restore economic balance and give a greater voice to workers.

Said Dr. Joseph Fahey, of Catholic Scholars for Worker Justice, "We believe the Employee Free Choice Act is rooted in and supported by Catholic social teaching, which has supported the rights of workers to form unions for more than a century. Through the lens of Catholic church teaching, passing this legislation is a moral imperative."

The group detailed their plans for future action on the legislation, including a larger group of religious leaders from across America who will come to Washington to lobby Congress on Tuesday, May 19.

"As people of faith, we are firmly committed to the health of our nation, through the protection of our economy and our working men and women. In order to promote and defend the dignity of workers throughout our nation, we call on Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act as soon as possible," said Rabbi Liebling.

Said Right Rev. Greg Rickel, "In the last two years, Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis took home nearly $100 million dollars, while paying bank tellers near the poverty line. Restoring economic balance and giving workers more of a voice through the Employee Free Choice Act is the right and moral thing to do."

More about the new group can be found at their website,



Updated Jul 15, 2015