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Kawana Lloyd, 202-730-7087; Ali Jost, 202-730-7159; Mark McCullough, 202-730-7283

Issued March 05, 2009

Hundreds of Workers Head to Washington Monday to Press Lawmakers, Lobbyists and CEOs on Need for Workers' Voices in Rebuilding Economy

D.C. Actions at Chamber, Hill Next Week to Be Amplified by Thousands at Nationwide Take Action Against Corporate Excess" Demonstrations in 50+ Cities March 19th Workers to Discuss Employee Free Choice Act with Lawmakers

WASHINGTON, DC--Nurses, janitors, security officers, and hundreds of other workers from across the country will head to Washington, D.C. next week to tell lawmakers, lobbyists, and corporate CEOs to stand with them and take immediate steps to create an economy that works for everyone -- not just those at the top.

Workers will sit down with their Senators and Members of Congress to share their stories about being fired, intimidated, and harassed by their employers for trying to form a union and discuss the importance of the Employee Free Choice Act.

Workers will also visit the offices of eight major corporate industry associations including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to ask for a meeting with the groups' top officers and call on them to stop spending millions of dollars lobbying against common-sense legislative solutions to our economic crisis like the Employee Free Choice Act.

Later in March, more than 10,000 workers and community partners in more than 50 cities across the country will take part in demonstrations at the offices of major banks that epitomize an era of corporate excess Congress must intervene to end through freedom for workers to form unions, health care for all, and other reforms. .

The actions are part of SEIU's Change That Works campaign--a campaign in more than 30 states to bring economic solutions to Main Street by ensuring passage of comprehensive healthcare reform and the Employee Free Choice Act.

Note: Interviews can be arranged with workers during all events. Contact Carlyn Foster at 954-632-0795.

MARCH 9, 2009

WHAT: Workers Call on Corporate CEOs to Stand With Them and Create an Economy that Works for Everyone.

WHO: SEIU President Andy Stern, Workers, Religious Leaders, and Community Allies

WHEN: 3 pm

WHERE: Across from U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Northwest Corner Lafayette Park

(H St NW Between 16th St and Connecticut NW)

MARCH 10, 2009

Workers Present Stories of Being Fired, Harassed, Intimidated for Trying to Form a Union

WHO: Workers from across the country

WHEN: 9:30 am

WHERE: Outside Dirksen Senate Office Building

Workers Meet with Lawmakers to Discuss Importance of Employee Free Choice Act

WHO: Workers from across the country

WHEN: All Day

WHERE: Senate and House Offices

MARCH 19, 2009

WHAT: Mass mobilization of more than 10,000 workers and community partners in more than 50 cities to hold corporate CEOs accountable for standing in the way of an economy that works for everyone and call on Congress to take action

WHO: Workers from across the country

WHEN: March 19, 2009

WHERE: More than 50 cities. Details to follow.



Updated Jul 15, 2015