Mark McCullough, 202-730-7283
Issued January 14, 2009
On Heels of Strong Bipartisan House Vote, SEIU Urges Senate to Vote Yes for Children's Health and Pass SCHIP
WASHINGTON, DC -- There is no time to waste. Strengthening the children's health insurance program offers a lifeline to families struggling to survive during this unprecedented economic downturn," said SEIU International Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger as Democrats and Republicans came together in the U.S. House of Representatives to reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). "We urge the Senate to join their House colleagues so more hard-working families have the peace of mind that they do not have to choose between their children's health and paying their mortgage or putting food on the table. SCHIP passage provides both help for families on Main Street as well as a clear first step towards true American health care reform."
SEIU, the nation's largest union of health care workers, is helping its 2 million members and community leaders to contact their members of Congress to share stories from the frontlines of the nation's health care crisis and show the need for immediate action. More than 8 million American children don't have health insurance - children whose parents earn too much to qualify for state aid yet can't afford private insurance. SEIU is urging the new Congress to swiftly pass legislation that makes health care affordable for everyone - and reauthorizing State Children's Health Insurance Program is a key step toward that goal.
"SCHIP is the first step on a path that will make comprehensive health care reform a reality. The House of Representatives sent a signal today that the moment has arrived," Burger said. "Only by insuring the uninsured can we lower health care costs for everyone."
"The next step is clear, the Senate should move to ensure that Americans will no longer accept the moral crime of denying health coverage to children whose parents are legal immigrants," Burger said. "Eliminating the nonsensical provision that withholds SCHIP funding from low-income children and pregnant women who are legal residents during their first 5 years in the U.S. is the right thing to do. Health care is too important an issue and during this time of change in America now is the right time to do it."
Updated Jul 15, 2015