Mark McCullough, (202) 730-7283
Mark McCullough, (202) 730-7283
Issued January 28, 2009
House Republicans' Vote on Economic Recovery Package: Completely Out of Touch with Working People in America" "
Washington, D.C. - SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger tonight issued this statement on U.S. House passage of the economic recovery plan:
Last week, Americans across the country stood on the National Mall in the freezing cold to support a new president who would do whatever it takes to help the millions of people losing their jobs, including reaching out to House Republicans yesterday in an unprecedented way. Unfortunately, House Republicans won't return the favor. Their only solution to our economic crisis is tax cuts, but tax cuts only work for people who are working. People who have lost their jobs and watched their futures go up in smoke don't want more hot air ... they want action and got it today from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. As this legislation now moves to the Senate, we support a balanced proposal that includes tax relief for working people and investments in jobs, education, healthcare, roads and bridges. It's time that House Republicans admitted once and for all that tax cuts alone can't the solve the crisis facing people who are losing their jobs, their healthcare, and their homes every day. Their obstruction of resolutions for working people show how out of touch House Republicans are with the majority of Americans; an attitude that will keep them in the minority for a very long time."
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Updated Jul 15, 2015