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Ali Jost, (202) 246-9327

Issued January 19, 2009

Anna Burger Statement on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

WASHINGTON, DC -- Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger issued the following statement in celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:

Today we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and honor the timeless values he has taught us all - courage, compassion, fairness and community service. As America prepares to embark on a new era, we renew our commitment to civil rights, social and economic justice. It is going to take everyone uniting together and working toward a common purpose to set our country back on track.

"Working families across the country are gathering today to answer President-Elect Barack Obama's call to renew America together through volunteerism - from cleaning up parks to giving blood and assembling care packages for our troops overseas. By volunteering, we are doing more than just remembering Dr. King, we are fulfilling his vision and creating a new American Dream for all."

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Updated Jul 15, 2015