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Marcus Mrowka, 202-730-7759

Issued December 04, 2008

Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm Reaffirms Commitment to Employee Free Choice Act

Statement by SEIU President Andy Stern:

Yesterday, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm reaffirmed her commitment to protecting workers' free choice for a voice at work by calling for quick passage of the Employee Free Choice Act.

"Granholm understands that at a time when the auto industry is asking Congress for assistance to keep Michigan's core economic engine afloat and billions have already been spent bailing out Wall Street that we need to stop blaming workers for the decisions made in the board room and start finding ways to help working families that are facing tough times.

"The Employee Free Choice Act is a bipartisan non-governmental solution that's needed now to make sure that workers, not just CEOs, can have the chance for a voice at their companies to benefit from the economic progress they help create and to advocate for the best quality services and products for consumers and customers.

"Workers in unions earn 30 percent higher wages and are 59 percent more likely to have employer-provided health coverage. According to the Center for Economic Research, joining a union raises a woman's wage as much as a full-year of college, and a union raises the chance a woman has health coverage by more than earning a four-year college degree.

"Workers at successful companies like Kaiser Permanente, Harley Davidson, and AT&T have formed partnerships with their employers to benefit from the economic progress they help create and to advocate for the best quality services and products for consumers and customers.

"SEIU members agree with Governor Granholm that President-elect Obama and Congress should act quickly to pass the Employee Free Choice Act to help create an economy that works for everyone."



Updated Jul 15, 2015