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Mark McCullough, 202-730-7283

Issued November 05, 2008

SEIU Members Extend Congratulations to Donna Edwards on Her Reelection to the U.S. House of Representatives

BALTIMORE, MD--Members and leaders of the nation's strongest and fastest growing union, the Service Employees International Union, tonight extend their congratulations to Donna Edwards for her reelection to the U.S. House from Maryland's 4th Congressional District.

In a major victory for working people, Donna Edwards defeated longtime incumbent Al Wynn in the Democratic primary in February. Thousands of SEIU members in the 4th Congressional District spent countless hours phone banking, going door-to-door, and speaking out on Edwards's behalf in their communities and at their worksites during the primary race. Hundreds of SEIU members volunteered their time over the course of the campaign, with more than 300 SEIU members volunteering on Election Day.

SEIU members proved that they make politics work and elected a candidate who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk," said Burger. "Now, instead of sitting back and waiting to see what happens, members are staying out in the streets and holding our new leaders accountable for the promises they made over this past campaign season on affordable health care and rebuild the middle class by restoring workers' freedom to join unions."



Updated Jul 15, 2015