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Issued October 02, 2008

Trusteeship Hearing Set to Begin in Matter Involving United Long-Term Care Workers Local 6434

FormerCalifornia Supreme Court Justice Joseph Grodin to Review Facts and MakeRecommendation to International

LOS ANGELES--With formerCalifornia Supreme Court Justice Joseph Grodin presiding as outside hearingofficer, a hearing will open today in the matter involving the trusteeship ofLos Angeles-based Local 6434.  After the hearing and an extended commentperiod, Justice Grodin will provide a report and recommendation to SEIU'sInternational Executive Board on whether the trusteeship should be continued.

On August 22, International President Andy Stern appointedJohn Ronches to serve as Trustee for Local 6434 following allegations ofpossible financial malpractice, including questionable expenses, payments tocompanies owned by relatives of Local Union President Tyrone Freeman, paymentsof unauthorized compensation to the Local Union President, and the failure toproperly safeguard the funds of non-profit organizations related to the Local. Following an internal investigation assisted by former California AttorneyGeneral John Van de Kamp, Ronches filed formal charges against Freeman lastmonth.

The hearing process follows long-established internal unionpractices and is designed to ensure a fair process providing all of the partieswith the opportunity to address the allegations in the Hearing Notice.

Justice Grodin served on California's high court from1979-1987.  He is currently a Distinguished Emeritus Professor at the University of California, Hastings College of Law.



Updated Jul 15, 2015