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Issued October 03, 2008

SEIU Ohio Members Launch Massive Early Vote Blitz Across State

Note to editors and reporters: Interviews can be arranged with members participating in early vote actions.
Tomorrow, SEIU members across Ohiowill unite with members in other Change to Win and AFL-CIO unions tolaunch a major early vote effort across the state. Hundreds of workersin Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and other cities will attendrallies, vote early, and go door-to-door to get union members toparticipate in Ohio's first early vote election.
Ohio is a central battleground statein the election and SEIU members know that turning out voters earlywill be crucial to ensuring Barack Obama wins on Election Day.
Who:                SEIU, Change to Win, and Ohio AFL-CIO Members
What:               Early Voting Rally &Volunteer Canvass
When:              October 4th - 10:00 AM Early Voting Rally
                           October 4th - 11:00 AM Volunteer Canvass
Where:             Genoa Park,
                         303 West Broad St.
                         Columbus, OH
Who:                SEIU District 1199 Members
What:               Early Voting Rally & Volunteer Canvass
When:              October 4th - 11:00 AM Early Voting Rally
                          October 4th - 12:00 PM Volunteer Canvass
Where:            Laborers Union Hall
                         3457 Montgomery Road
                         Cincinnati, OH
Who:                SEIU District 1199 and Change to Win Members
What:               Early Voting Rally & Volunteer Canvass
When:              October 4th - 9:00 AM Early Voting Rally
                          October 4th - 10:00 AM Volunteer Canvass
Where:            SEIU Local 3
   1368 East 34th St.
    Cleveland, OH


Updated Jul 15, 2015