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Issued October 15, 2008

SEIU Leaders Andy Stern and Anna Burger to Attend Tonight's Final Presidential Debate

Leaders of Nation's Fastest-Growing and Most Politically Active Union Available to Speak about Economy, Healthcare, Other Issues Critical to Working People

Hempstead, NY--Tonight, SEIU President Andy Stern and Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger will attend the final presidential debate and will be available to speak to the media about the issues at stake this election for working people and SEIU's efforts to elect Barack Obama and a pro-working family majority in Congress.

More than 1,400 members have taken time off their jobs and 100,000 nurses, janitors, child care providers, and other workers will be volunteering after work and on weekends to win on November 4th. Members have committed more than $85 million to election efforts around the country.

SEIU members are spending the final three weeks of the election focused on educating voters on John McCain's disastrous plan to tax workers' healthcare and put coverage in jeopardy for millions of Americans. SEIU members recently released an ad in key battleground states on the differences between the Obama and McCain healthcare plans, sent more than 250,000 DVDs to voters in key battleground states, and continue to talk to voters and other union members on the phones and at the doors about the stark differences between the two healthcare plans.

WHAT: SEIU Leaders Andy Stern and Anna Burger Available to Speak to Media at Final Presidential Debate

WHEN: Wednesday, October 15; 8:30 p.m. EDT - 11:00 p.m. EDT

WHERE: David S. Mack Sports and Exhibition Complex, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY

To arrange an interview, contact Marcus Mrowka at or 202-730-7759.


Updated Jul 15, 2015