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Mark McCullough, 202-730-7283

Issued October 31, 2008

In Final 72-Hour Push, SEIU Members Get Out The Vote for Barack Obama and Other Working Family Candidates Across the Country

WASHINGTON, DC--In the final 72-hours of this campaign, more than 100,000 nurses, janitors and other volunteers across the country are joining 4,000 SEIU members, local and International staff who've taken extended time off the job to bring home victory for Barack Obama, Joe Biden and other candidates promising the change working families need.

SEIU's major GOTV operations are microtargeting key precincts and swing voters, as well as union households, in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.

Through October 30, SEIU's members have:

  • Knocked on 1,878,421 doors.

  • Made 4,405,136 phone calls.

  • Sent 2,562,689 pieces of mail.

  • Registered 85,914 voters.

  • Helped more 10,982 people vote early.

  • Distributed 52,005 workplace flyers.

  • Made workers' voices heard by investing $13 million in independent expenditure ads that have run more than 10,000 times

  • Election protection work in Ohio; Lake County, Indiana; Florida; Colorado; Virginia and other places made sure that the voices of working people were not silenced and that every vote would count and be counted in this election.

  • Held more than 600 events across the country to ensure voters knew which candidates stood on the side of Americans who wake up and earn a paycheck every day.

In these final 72-hours, SEIU members all around this country are doing their part to put America on a new path," said SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger. "SEIU members have knocked on millions of doors and made millions of phone calls to carry our candidates across the finish line. By electing leaders who will help us achieve quality, affordable health care for everyone; economic fairness; good jobs that can support a family and the freedom to form unions without intimidation, together we will create new American Dream."

Credited by publications like Congressional Quarterly with giving Sen. Obama an enormous advantage in this race , SEIU's members will step up their extraordinary electoral effort more than ever before to elect pro-working family candidates in this final weekend. For example, another 2,500 members from mid-Atlantic locals are traveling across the country to join their Change to Win brothers and sisters for rallies calling on candidates to rebuild the middle class in Pennsylvania while another 800 travel to Ohio and more than 260 will be in Virginia.

No single organization has done more than SEIU to make sure that Barack Obama is our next president. SEIU endorsed Barack Obama in February--after previously endorsing him in his Illinois State Senate and his US Senate campaigns--because he has always been a champion for working families.

Members made health care a defining issue by requiring candidates in the Presidential primaries to prepare a health care plan in order to earn our endorsement. One day after Sen. John McCain released his plan last April, SEIU took to the airwaves to let voters know the problems with his health care proposals. SEIU made sure voters understood key differences between the candidates on this critical issue through public events, mailings, TV ads, the Road to American Healthcare bus tour through swing states, an educational DVD for seniors and member-to-member conversations.

To arrange an opportunity to talk to SEIU members and cover their election efforts, please contact SEIU at 202-730-7283.



Updated Jul 15, 2015