Issued October 01, 2008
Dear Sarah...
A Letter to Governor Palin on the Eve of the VP Debate
"Dear Governor Palin,
"My name is MarshallClemons and I'm a school custodian in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I've been acustodian for 16 years and I'm proud of the work that I do to ensurethat our students have a clean and safe place to learn.
"Last year SenatorBiden spent a day on the job with me--he's the only Vice-Presidentialcandidate to ever walk a day in the shoes of a worker. But SenatorBiden didn't just work side-by-side with me; he experienced what it'slike to work and raise a family today.
"Because of the timewe spent together, I saw firsthand that he understands the changes ourfamilies need to ensure we all get a chance at the American Dream.
"I'd like to extendthe same invitation to you. Spend a day on the job with a nurse, childcare provider, janitor, or even a school custodian. Your running mate Senator McCain declined our offer, but I'm hoping you'll accept.
"I hope you'll accept because every elected official should experience firsthand what life is like for working people.
At tomorrow night'sdebate, Americans need to hear specifics on how the McCain-Palinadministration will bring the change we need. How will you ensure thatall Americans have access to affordable healthcare? How will you createnew jobs with good pay and benefits? How will you lower gas prices andprescription drug costs? How will you make sure my family can get aheadand that I can retire someday with the dignity?
"If you don't have answers tomorrow night, I'm sure you will after you walk a day in my shoes."
This is the latestin a series of "Dear John" letters that SEIU members from across thecountry have written, asking Senator McCain and Governor Palin forspecific solutions to the problems facing working families.
Updated Jul 15, 2015