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Issued September 18, 2008

Three SEIU Members Making the Difference for Obama

More than 1,000 SEIU members have taken time offtheir jobs and 100,000 nurses, janitors, child care providers, andother workers will be volunteering after work and on weekends to win onNovember 4th.
Feel free to contact me at or 202-730-7759 if you'd like to talk to an SEIU member doing political work.
Shannon Jones, Denver
ShannonJones is a medical assistant in Denver and a mother of three teenagers.At work she sees the effects of our healthcare crisis firsthand. Manyof the patients she cares for can't afford to get the treatment andprocedures they need. And the often can't pay for medication.
Sheloves her job and she hopes to become a nurse. But classes areexpensive and she can't afford to lose her healthcare while she's inschool.
This is the first time that Shannon's been interestedin politics. She's hopeful that Obama will make it easier for workersto provide for their families--and she wants to be a part of the changeObama will bring. That's why she's taking time off to work full-time tohelp win Colorado in November.
Linda Graham, Pittsburgh
LindaGraham is taking time off her job at Pittsburgh's Central Blood Bank towork full-time on electing a president who will make healthcare for alla priority. Her father is a veteran--and Linda is concerned that heisn't getting the care he needs in the VA hospital system.
Lindatook her father to the hospital for a swollen leg. She's been ahealthcare worker for 20 years so she could tell something was wrong.But the hospital dismissed him saying it could be gout but they weren'tsure. Two days later, Linda's father had a heart attack
"My dadalmost died because he didn't receive the health care he needed," saysLinda. "He served and protected our nation. But now our healthcaresystem is failing him--and he's not alone."
Linda's also beenpassing up pay increases to keep her health coverage. So for Linda,something has to change. That's why she's been working night and day toelect Barack Obama.
The Associated Press recently followed Linda while she was out knocking on doors. Check out the article and video.
Becky Flagg, Milwaukee
BeckyFlagg has been a handicap children's assistant for the Milwaukee PublicSchools for 13 years. She loves caring for children but school fundingkeeps getting cut in her district. They are closing schools and cuttingstaff--so classrooms are more crowded and there are fewer teachers andsupport staff.
At the same time they cut her hours. But Beckystill comes in early and stays late to make sure the kids in her schoolget the attention they need. She says that school districts need morefunding if we want our kids to get the education they deserve. Beckyalso works part-time caring for special needs children in her home butshe says it's still hard to make ends meet. With winter coming, shedoesn't know how she's going to afford to heat her house.
Whileschool was out, Becky helped register new voters and educate hercommunity about why Obama is the best choice for working people. Nowthat school is back in session she's working overtime to ensureWisconsin elects Obama in November.
For more information onwhat SEIU members are doing to elect Barack Obama and other pro-workercandidates, visit


Updated Jul 15, 2015