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Issued September 29, 2008

Stand Up for Main Street, SEIU Tells Senators

Leading Labor Union To Make 150,000 CallsThis Week Urging Senate Action on Economic Stimulus


Working families needlong-term economic recovery plan


WASHINGTON, DC - With Congress continuing to debate a bailout ofWall Street banks, Senators will hear from voters this week calling for actionon the economic priorities of Main Street. The two million-member SEIU (ServiceEmployees International Union) announced today it will make 150,000 calls thisweek to Senators running for reelection, criticizing them for failing to takeaction on a broader stimulus package to ease the economic pain of workingfamilies.


Last week, the House of Representatives passed a $61 billion package toaid working families and stimulate the economy that included investment inAmerican infrastructure, increased aid to workers in the form of unemploymentand food stamp benefits, home heating assistance, and Medicaid funding tocash-strapped states. Republican Senators however, blocked the bill.


Until final bailout legislation includes real assistance for workingpeople on Main Street,SEIU is calling on the Senate to take up the stimulus measure again this weekand pass it. Targeted senators who are running for reelection and voted againstthe stimulus include Sen. John Sununu (R- N.H.), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R- KY),and Sen. Roger Wicker (R- MS).


"Americans are fed up withpoliticians who are more concerned about the fate of Wall Street than the fateof Main Street," said SEIU President Andy Stern. "Weare going to make sure voters know which Senators turned their back on laid-offworkers, funding for health care, and energy assistance for low-income peoplein their communities. We have to address the underlying economic crisisaffecting working people if we want revive and rebuild our economy over thelong-term."


Economic Concerns Drive Massive Election Push

SEIU members are committing record amounts of time, money, and energythis election to educate voters about John McCain's anti-worker agenda andelect Barack Obama and a pro-worker majority in Congress. More than 100,000SEIU members will be volunteering in the coming months and SEIU members havecommitted to spending $85 million on election efforts.


"The way to revive the economyover the long-term is to elect Barack Obama on November 4,"said Anna Burger, SEIU Secretary-Treasurer."Sen. Obama's agenda ofhealthcare for all, investment in American jobs, and tax cuts for the middleclass addresses the underlying issues that have weakened our economy. George W.Bush and John McSame don't have a plan to fix this crisis and don'tunderstand the economic concerns of working people."



Updated Jul 15, 2015