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Issued September 15, 2008

SEIU Not Surprised That McCain Thinks Economy Is Strong

Today's events on Wall Street will have an impacton this year's presidential election. Unfortunately for John McCain,the research shows that he has not only shown poor judgment onimportant economic issues, but that he sides with corporate interestsover working families on every issue from health care to tax cuts toAmerica's energy crisis to protecting workers'retirement.                           

Alan Greenspan, 9/14: "This is the worst economy I've ever seen."

John McCain, 9/15: "The fundamentals of our economy are strong."

McCain's has an anti-working family record in the Senate and his proposals put the burden on working families.

Ifyou are interested in talking to an SEIU member about how the currentrecession impacts them and their efforts to elect Barack Obama, pleasecontact Mark McCullough at 202-730-7283.



Updated Jul 15, 2015