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Issued September 14, 2008

SEIU Launches Multimillion Dollar TV Ad Campaign

Ad Is Airing in Six Battleground States, Underscores Economic Stakes for Millions of American Families

WASHINGTON,DC -- SEIU announced today that it has begun a new, aggressivetelevision ad campaign that drives home what is at stake economicallyfor millions of American families in the upcoming presidential election.

SEIUis spending over $2 million to air the new ad in targeted markets insix battleground states - Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Mexico,Wisconsin and Iowa. The ad, titled "Family," features a mother talkingabout the strain of trying to provide for her family in an economydefined by higher costs, lower wages, and lost jobs.  The ad goes on todetail the stark differences between Barack Obama and John McCain whenit comes to jobs and the economy.

"Unfortunately,this is the kind of story we're hearing from too many families in everycorner of America," said SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger. "Itshould be no surprise that there are people who would rather not talkabout that, who would rather distract the voters than encourage them tofocus on the issues.  But make no mistake - this election has enormousconsequences for American families."

Earlierthis month, the Labor Department announced that the unemployment ratejumped to 6.1 percent from 5.7 percent in July - the largest monthlysurge in the jobless rate in five years.  But John McCain's campaignmanager said that from their point of view, "This election is not aboutissues."

But,with 1,400 members who are working full-time in states across thecountry and an aggressive new ad campaign, SEIU is committed to makingsure that this election is about the kitchen table issues impactingworking families.

"Family" can be viewed at  The transcript follows:

WIFE: We have three kids. I like to send them to school looking nice, you know?

Henry lost his job. What, 8 months ago?

I work two shifts usually, and we're still behind.

ANNCR (VO): John McCain said, "I know a lot less about economics... I still need to be educated."

No wonder he said we're better off than we were eight years ago...

It's time for change.

OBAMA CLIP: My tax cut would benefit middle class families three times as much as John McCain's.

ANNCR (VO): SEIU COPE is responsible for the content of this advertising.



Updated Jul 15, 2015