Issued September 01, 2008
Nurse Alliance of SEIU Healthcare Mobilizing RNs and Medical Supplies to Gulf Coast Areas in Advance of Hurricane Gustav
(Sept. 1, 2008) WASHINGTON, DC - Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Executive Vice President and Nurse Alliance Chair Dian Palmer, RN, issued the following statement regarding the work being done by SEIU nurses and leaders across the country in anticipation of the health impacts of Hurricane Gustav:
"As Hurricane Gustav bears down on the Gulf Coast, leaders of the NurseAlliance of SEIU Healthcare are mobilizing RNs and medical supplies toarrive as soon as possible to areas threatened by the storm.
"Drawingon their experiences as first responders to Hurricane Katrina in 2005,the RN leaders have activated a rapid response system to be able todeploy first responders, and will be working with our partner hospitalsand institutions to jointly collect and donate the needed medicalsupplies such as nebulizers, vaccines, gloves, masks, and medicationsnecessary to deliver competent care to evacuees and victims of theimpending storm.
"SEIU Value Care, Value NursesRN Daniel Rubalcaba has been on the ground since Saturday in Beaumont,Texas, where he is caring for medically fragile patients at theMemorial Herman Baptist Hospital. Daniel is working with the union'snational leadership and local authorities to determine and service theareas of greatest need.
"In 2005, SEIUdeployed more than 100 RNs along with truckloads of medical supplies toprovide care for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Along with the firstresponders, the union also sent two of its Mobile Action Centertrailers to the area to provide phone and internet access to thousandsof evacuees.
"Time is of the essence, andSEIU stands ready to do its part to assist the families that live inthe storm's path. We will go as soon as feasible and we will stay aslong as needed."
For up-to-date information on SEIU's relief efforts, or if you are a Registered Nurse interested in volunteering for the effort, learn more and sign up at
TheNurse Alliance of SEIU Healthcare is the largest national nurseorganization, made up of more than 85,000 registered nurses workingtogether to raise standards for their profession and patient care.Because the Alliance is part of SEIU Healthcare - the nation's largesthealthcare union - nurses are working with more than one million healthcare workers to change the face of health care in America."
Updated Jul 15, 2015