Issued September 30, 2008
NEW SEIU TELEVISION AD: Thelma Drake Is Wrong for Veterans, Wrong For Virginia
TV Ad Details Multiple Votes Against Quality Health Care for Veterans
WASHINGTON, DC -- A new television ad by SEIU details the multiple votes CongresswomanThelma Drake has cast against improving health care for our nation's veterans,making the case that she is "Wrong for Veterans, Wrong for Virginia."
"Thelma Drake has consistentlysided with the Bush-Cheney agenda of billions for Wall Street and theircorporate donors, while the men and women who wore our country's uniform mustsettle for scraps and inadequate care," said SEIU Secretary-Treasurer AnnaBurger. "We can and we must do better for our nation's veterans. That'swhy SEIU members are spending every day knocking doors and making callsthroughout the Second District, making sure voters know that this November, itis time for change."
The ad, titled "Honor," highlightshow Drake let our veterans down by voting three timesagainst increasing veterans' health benefits and against funding for veterans facingneglect at WalterReed ArmyMedical Center. (H.R. 1591, Vote 186, 3/23/07, Vote 276, 5/7/2007;H.Amdt.66 to H.Con.Res.95, Vote 82, 3/17/05;S.Con.Res. 21, Vote 377, 5/17/07; HR 1585,Vote 373, 5/17/07)
"Honor" is currently airing onbroadcast and cable television throughout Virginia'sSecond Congressional District. It can also be viewed at
The transcript follows:
ANNCR (VO): The men and women inuniform who protect this country and keep us safe here at home deserve the bestpossible health care.
But Congresswoman Drake let our veterans down by votingagainst increasing their health benefits three times.
And when our soldiers needed hermost, Congresswoman Drake opposed additional funding to protect veterans fromneglect at WaterReed MedicalCenter.
Thelma Drake: wrong for ourveterans, wrong for Virginia.
SEIU COPE is responsible for the content of thisadvertising. "###
Updated Jul 15, 2015