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Issued September 28, 2008

Hearing Officer Secretary Ray Marshall To Set Additional Date(s) for United Healthcare Workers-West Trusteeship Hearing

SAN MATEO, CA -- In order to ensure a full and fairprocess, former U.S. Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall, the outsidehearing officer in the proposed trusteeship of United HealthcareWorkers-West (UHW-W), today announced that he will be issuing a noticeof additional hearing date(s) in this matter since parties were unableto conclude their presentations over the original hearing period.  Theadditional hearings will be held some time after November 4.

Marshall's announcement follows two days of hearings in which theInternational President's representatives presented the case fortrusteeship and UHW-W began its response.  Among other issues, UHW-Wleaders face charges that they "appear to have engaged in financialmalpractice and a series of misrepresentations to their members and tothe International Union involving expenditures of millions of dollarsof union treasury monies."  The extended hearing time will provideadditional time for presentations by the parties.

On Wednesday, Secretary Marshall laid out a post hearing process thatwill provide a 30-day period in which the parties may submit additionalcomments to the hearing record.  During this period, members who didnot have a chance to give their views will also be able to submitwritten statements for the record.

Secretary Marshall's report, which had not been expected before theNovember election, will now be delivered to the International Presidentsometime later.  Upon receipt of the report, President Andy Stern willask the International Executive Board to make the final determinationon whether to impose a trusteeship.

The process set forth by Secretary Marshall follows long-establishedpractices designed to provide accountability for members and a fairhearing for the parties involved.


Updated Jul 15, 2015