Issued September 23, 2008
Hearing Officer Secretary Ray Marshall Sets Process for United Healthcare Workers-West Trusteeship Hearing
Process Expected to Last Several Weeks; Decision Anticipated in November
Washington,DC-Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall, the outside hearingofficer for the trusteeship hearing for United Healthcare Workers West(UHW-W), last night set a multi-week schedule for rendering his reporton the proposed trusteeship of UHW-W. The hearing is slated forSeptember 26 and 27.
The objective ofthe hearing process is to provide a report to the Service EmployeesInternational Union President who will in turn ask the InternationalExecutive Board for a final determination on whether a trusteeship iswarranted at UHW-W. The process for the trusteeship hearing followslong established internal union practices and is designed to ensure afair hearing that includes the opportunity for UHW-W leadership toaddress the allegations in the Notice:
nbsp; On September 26-27, Secretary Marshall will hear evidence presented bythe International President's representative on the allegations in thePre-Trusteeship Notice as well as UHW-W's response. These allegationsinclude charges that the UHW-W local leaders "appear to have engaged infinancial malpractice and a series of misrepresentations to theirmembers and to the International Union involving expenditures ofmillions of dollars of union treasury monies."
nbsp; Secretary Marshall will provide a 30-day period to allow both sidesample time to submit post-hearing briefs. During this period, memberswho did not have a chance to give their views will also be able tosubmit written statements for the record.
nbsp; Following the close of the record, Secretary Marshall will review therecord, including written evidence, testimony and briefs, and inaccordance with the SEIU Constitution, will then make hisrecommendation to President Andy Stern.
PresidentStern has determined that he will ask the International Executive Boardto make the final determination on whether to impose a trusteeship onUHW-W.
Based on the seriousness of theallegations, SEIU announced on August 25 the intention to hold atrusteeship hearing for UHW-W when an official Pre-Trusteeship Noticewas issued to the local. While International Executive Board membersusually serve as hearing officers in trusteeship matters, PresidentStern announced on September 8 that former U.S. Secretary of Labor RayMarshall would be serving as the hearing officer in the UHW-Wtrusteeship.
Updated Jul 15, 2015