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Issued August 24, 2008

SEIU Keeps Focus on Working Families as 2008 Democratic Convention Kicks Off

SEIU Members and Leaders Call For One Nation That Works For Everyone, Not Just A Few

DENVER, CO-SEIU members and leaders will kick off the first day of the 2008 Democratic Convention by keeping the focus in Denver on working families. President Andy Stern and Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger will discuss what SEIU members are doing to elect Barack Obama and create one nation that works for all Americans, SEIU members will talk to delegates and leaders about winning healthcare for all and an economy that rewards work instead of wealth, and SEIU Local 1 President Tom Balanoff will discuss Barack Obama's long history of standing with working families in a prime time address to the Convention.
"I haven't felt this excited about an election in a long time,"said SEIU member Pam Keeley, an RN from Seattle. "This is my first time serving as a delegate and I feel like now I'm a small part of the change Barack Obama will bring to our country."
"I've been a nurse for 36 years-so I see the affects of our broken healthcare system everyday,"added Keeley. "So this Convention is also an opportunity for me to talk to other delegates and voters about what we need to do to ensure we all have access to affordable healthcare and fix our country's nursing shortage."
Keeley is one of nearly 50 SEIU members and leaders attending the Convention as delegates to talk about the issues at stake for working families this election.
SEIU Events: Monday, August 25
Andy Stern Participates in National Journal's Convention Daily Panel Briefing
SEIU International President will participate in a panel discussion, moderated by National Journal's Ron Brownstein, about the presidential election.
When:            10:00 am
Where:           Tattered Cover Bookstore, 1628 16th Street            
PANEL DISCUSSION: Creating a New American Dream for Workers
In association with SEIU, the Creative Coalition will host a morning reception, featuring SEIU members and socially conscious celebrities, to discuss the Employee Free Choice Act and the key role it plays in rebuilding the American economy.
When:            10:00 - 11:30 am
Where:           Tambien Restaurant, 250 Steele Street
Labor Forum - Can Barack Obama capture the votes of working Americans?
Change to Win Chair Anna Burger will join other labor leaders to discuss their action agenda and 2008 political program for restoring the American Dream for America's workers. Lake Research Partners President Celinda Lake will release a new poll on what presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama needs to do to capture the working American vote in the November election. Economic Policy Institute President Larry Mishel will also release an analysis of the economic trends threatening the American Dream and the impact on working families.
When:            11:30 am
Where:           Convention Center - Meeting Room 502
SEIU Local 1 President Tom Balanoff Addresses Democratic National Convention
To request an interview, please contact Mary Salazar at (312) 233-8707 or
When:            Between 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Where:           Pepsi Center



Updated Jul 15, 2015