Issued August 25, 2008
Anna Burger, SEIU Member Pauline Beck to Address Convention Tuesday
Obama Spent Day Working on the Job With Homecare Worker Beck
DENVER, CO-On Tuesday, SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger and homecare worker Pauline Beck will address the Democratic Convention to keep the focus on the issues at stake for working families this election. Burger will talk about Obama's long record of standing with working families and why working people are uniting behind him in 2008 and Beck will discuss the day Barack Obama spent working on the job with her last fall.
"Senator Obama joined my family for an early breakfast and joined me in caring for my 87-year old client,"said Beck. "It was an experience I'll never forget and tonight I get to share it with the rest of America."
"Our next president mopped floors, he did laundry, he made lunch, and he wanted to know every detail about my job,"added Beck. "It was the most impressive thing I've ever seen a politician do. I believe he truly understands what our families need to achieve the American Dream."
SEIU Events: Tuesday, August 26
Press Briefing with SEIU Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina and Western Majority Project
The SEIU Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina and Western Majority Project will be holding a briefing with national reporters on how the Hispanic Vote is the key to long-term viability in the Southwestern Region for progressive candidates. Project New West will provide an overview of key demographic trends.
When: 2:30 pm
Where: Convention Center - Meeting Room 601
Protect Colorado's Future Fundraiser
SEIU will join with other labor unions and progressive allies for a fundraiser to help fight Amendment 47, a "right to work for less"ballot initiative that would threaten good jobs in Colorado.
When: 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Where: Lola Restaurant, 1575 Boulder Street
SEIU "Big Tent"Happy Hour
New media journalists, bloggers, reporters and non-profit leaders are invited to enjoy chips, salsa and guacamole.
When: Between 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Where: The Big Tent, 1536 Wynkoop Street
SEIU Member Pauline Beck to Address Democratic National Convention
Pauline Beck, a homecare worker and SEIU member from California, who showed Obama what is like to "Walk a Day"in her shoes, will share her experience.
When: Between 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Where: Pepsi Center
SEIU Secretary-Treasurer & Change to Win Chair Anna Burger Addresses Democratic National Convention
When: Between 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Where: Pepsi Center
Updated Jul 15, 2015