Issued April 10, 2008
SEIU Urges Action Now In Congress To Provide Economic Relief To Workers
WASHINGTON, DC- SEIU's President and Secretary-Treasurer met with House and Senate leadership today to discuss solutions to provide relief to workers who are being affected by the current economic downturn.
President Andy Stern and Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger joined Senator Kennedy, Senator Schumer, Senator Stabenow, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney and others in presenting specific goals for Congress to act on this year at a press availability following the meetings.
"We all know how much is at stake in this election, and after we elect a Democratic President and larger progressive majorities in Congress, how great our opportunities will be in 2009,"said Burger. "In the meantime, workers across this country are feeling the effects of the economic squeeze, and there are things that must be done now to provide some relief."
Burger expressed SEIU members' support for extending unemployment insurance for unemployed workers and expanding access to food stamps. She also urged Congress to provide states with needed fiscal relief through a stimulus package.
"By investing and rebuilding America's bridges, schools and roads, Congress can put people to work and keep people working,"said Burger. "Though we all have great hopes for next year, we must start taking action today. Change begins now in America."
Updated Jul 15, 2015