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Issued April 15, 2008

SEIU Send Second Dear John" Letter To Senator John McCain"

WASHINGTON, DC--SEIU today sent a second a Dear John"letter to Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee for president. SEIU members are offering their assistance in the absence of any economic blueprint from McCain and will continue sending letters until he meets with them and presents proposals that put working families first.

In the letter, Ken Roos, an administrator of nursing home programs for the state of New Hampshire and SEIU Local 1984 member, suggests how McCain can restore fairness to America's tax code:

"Dear John,

"Today is April 15, Tax Day. Working families like mine will, again, pay more than our fair share because our tax system has been corrupted by the special interests. Instead of just taking advice from your big business advisors, we hope you'll listen to the voices of workers as you learn more about what to do to help our economy."

"First, end Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. You opposed those at first but have flip-flopped during your run for president. Working families, not billionaires, need help.

"Next, close the corporate tax loopholes. We shouldn't be giving tax breaks to the oil and gas companies who post staggering profits each year. They are making enough money with me paying almost $4 per gallon to get to and from work.

"Nobody is ever going to look forward to paying taxes but we can make it fairer. Workers are the engine of our economy and our country and rewarding our work will strengthen the middle class and help create a new American Dream for all us."


Updated Jul 15, 2015