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Issued February 04, 2008

Working Families Need More Relief, Less Rhetoric from Washington

Statement from Anna Burger, International Secretary-Treasurer of SEIU

- As a new Washington Post-ABC News poll reveals that public views of the national economy are now more negative than at any point in nearly 15 years, Service Employees International Union Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger issued the following statement today regarding the effects of America's economic woes on working people:

"For the seventh straight year, America's working families have less economic security and more anxiety.

"While Congress and the White House are haggling over politics and bragging rights, workers all around this country are skipping meals, losing their homes, and learning what a winter without heat feels like.

"Washington should stop filibustering working families.

"Americans are hungry-starving-for bold leadership and for real solutions to the deep-running problems plaguing our economy. It's time for more relief and less rhetoric. America's working families cannot afford to wait."



Updated Jul 15, 2015