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Issued February 13, 2008

SEIU Members Help Make the Difference in Historic Win for Donna Edwards

Washington, DC - In a major victory for working people, Donna Edwards defeated longtime incumbent Al Wynn in the Democratic primary to represent Maryland's fourth congressional district.

This has been an historic election about change and hope for the future, and nowhere have voters made that more clear than in Maryland today,"said SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger. "By turning out in overwhelming numbers for Donna Edwards, voters have rejected the status quo and chosen a representative who will stand with working people."

Edwards had the support of a majority of the more than 5,000 SEIU members in the fourth congressional district who spent countless hours phone banking, going door-to-door, and speaking out on Edwards's behalf in their communities and at their worksites. Hundreds of SEIU members volunteered their time over the course of the campaign, with more than 300 SEIU members volunteering on Election Day. SEIU locals backing Edwards include local 1199, local 500, local 32 BJ, and local 5000.

"SEIU local 1199 members worked tirelessly to support Edwards because she truly is one of us,"said John Reid, Executive Vice President, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, Maryland Division. "A longtime advocate for working families and champion of universal health care and a living wage, she inspired our members to knock on more than 5,000 doors and make more than 10,000 phone calls because she is committed to creating a new American Dream."

Said Burger, "We will be engaging in similar efforts in races across the country. SEIU members are committed to holding elected officials of both parties accountable on workers' issues and helping to elect those candidates who will stand with working families."


Updated Jul 15, 2015