Issued January 28, 2008
SEIU: Best Thing About Bush's State of the Union Address is That it is His Last
Once Again President Fails to Address the Real Needs of Working People in America
Washington, DC-SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger issued the following statement tonight regarding President Bush's final State of the Union address:"Given his dismal failure to address the concerns of working people in America, the best thing about the president's State of the Union address is that it is his last. Once again President Bush has turned a tin ear toward what is needed in America. By offering facile remedies and tired platitudes, he has glossed over the pain felt every day by working families who struggle to pay their bills, who are drowning in debt, who are terrified they might lose their homes, and who are deathly afraid of getting sick because the cost of healthcare is too high."
Updated Jul 15, 2015