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Issued November 09, 2007

Service Workers Call on Aramark to stop leaving Houston Families Behind

MEDIA ADVISORY for Saturday, November 10, 2007

One Year After Janitors' Strike, Employees at Aramark Inspired to Launch Organizing Campaign to Boost Wages, Secure Affordable Healthcare, Join Workers in Ten Cities Across U.S. Standing up to Aramark

Houston--Last year, thousands of Houston janitors and their families won, for the first time, better wages, access to affordable health care, and dignity on the job. But there are thousands more service workers in Houston who still struggle to make ends meet at dead-end, low-wage jobs with no path toward health insurance. These workers-many of whom are employed by global facilities giant Aramark-work behind the scenes preparing and serving food, cleaning up after crowds, and performing the countless other thankless tasks that help make Houston's convention center, stadiums, universities, and theaters sources of prosperity and pride for our entire community.

On Saturday nearly five hundred Aramark workers who provide food and cleaning services at facilities throughout Houston and their supporters will come together with SEIU to launch an organizing campaign to create a better future for Houston families by fighting to improve wages and secure affordable healthcare at Aramark. Workers in Houston are launching their campaign in conjunction with service workers employed by Aramark in ten cities throughout the United States.

Who: Hundreds of service employees employed by Aramark in Houston
Leaders of SEIU, UNITE HERE, clergy and Texas ACORN

Where: Campaign Kick-Off
Jones Plaza

When: Saturday, November 10th
2:00 PM - Kick-off meeting
3:25 PM - Workers march from Jones Plaza


Updated Jul 15, 2015