Issued October 03, 2007
Statement of SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger Regarding Bush Veto of Children's Healthcare
Anna Burger, Secretary-Treasurer of SEIU, the nation's largest union of health care workers, today issued the following statement regarding President Bush's veto of the bipartisan SCHIP legislation:
"Only this President would think healthcare for kids is a bad idea.
"There is no stronger expression of a President's priorities than the veto, especially when it is used as rarely as this President has used it.
"This legislation has support of both Democrats and Republicans in Congress; it has support in almost every State House across the country; and it has the overwhelming support of the American people. With one stroke of his pen, President Bush has sent the message loud and clear that he doesn't care what they think, he doesn't care what you think, and he doesn't care that because of him, millions of kids won't be able to see the doctor.
"Shame on the President, and shame on anyone who lets him get away with it.
"It is time for Congress to decide whether they are going to stand up for what's right, or stand by while sick children are abandoned.
"Congress must fix what President Bush has broken and override this indefensible veto. If they do not, they will answer to the American people."
Updated Jul 15, 2015