Issued September 28, 2007
Media Advisory: Children, SEIU Healthcare Workers To Protest Expected Healthcare Veto
Will Rally In Support of Healthcare for 10 Million Kids, Deliver 1 Million Petitions to President Bush
Washington, D.C.-As part of a demonstration in support of healthcare for kids, dozens of children will pull red wagons overflowing with petitions from all over the country, delivering them to the White House gates this Monday, October 1, 2007.
Hundreds of SEIU healthcare workers, consumers, and kids will gather at McPherson Square on Monday, protesting President Bush's expected veto of the successful State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The bill, which Congress approved this week, would provide health coverage to nearly ten million children whose families cannot afford private insurance.
After a rally in McPherson Square, children pulling red wagons filled with one million petitions supporting SCHIP will lead a march to the White House to present the petitions to the President.
The Care for Kids petition drive was co-sponsored by Americans United for Change, Campaign for America's Future, Change America Now, Coalition on Human Needs, Families USA,, the National Education Association, True Majority, First Focus, PICO, NAACP, Jobs with Justice and USAction.
10:00 a.m. - Rally at McPherson Square, followed by March to White House
11:00 a.m. - Press Conference in front of White House
SPEAKERS: Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)
Mary Kay Henry, SEIU Executive Vice President
Dennis Rivera, Chair, SEIU Healthcare
Carolyn Chester Taylor, mother of Keith Taylor, child who benefits from SCHIP
Brad Woodhouse, Americans United for Change
And others
Updated Jul 15, 2015