Issued August 30, 2007
Senator Biden Walks A Day In The Shoes Of SEIU Custodian in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Cedar Rapids, Iowa-Today Senator Joe Biden "walked a day in the shoes"of SEIU member Marshall Clemons, taking part in SEIU's program to ensure that presidential candidates experience firsthand what life is like for working people. Biden joined Clemons during his job as a custodian at Harding Middle School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa where he helped to rebuild a boiler and perform other maintenance tasks.
After work, the two traveled to Clemons's home where they had dinner with Clemons's girlfriend, Stephanie Lewis, and her two teenage children.
"I'm looking for a candidate willing to work to fix our health care and education challenges,"said Clemons. "We need to make sure that all our children get the education they deserve and that everyone in America gets the health care they need."
Clemons has been working as a custodian in Iowa for 16 years. He spent three years early in his career at Harding Middle School, and returned just a few weeks ago when he was hired in the top custodial position.
Said Clemons, "I'm glad that Senator Biden got to walk a day in my shoes. Ordinary people work hard every day to keep our schools running, and it's important that he sees that first hand. I hope that when he talks about what schools need to succeed, he thinks about the work we do at Harding."
SEIU members are inviting all candidates for president, Democrats and Republicans, to experience firsthand what their lives are like by "walking a day in their shoes."Sen. Edwards, Gov. Richardson, Sen. Dodd, Sen. Obama, and Sen. Clinton have all walked in SEIU members' shoes. Gov. Huckabee and other Republican candidates have also expressed interest in taking part.
Video and photographs of Sen. Biden on the job with Clemons can be viewed at
ADDITIONAL MEDIA CONTACT: Drew Courtney, 870-821-0531
Updated Jul 15, 2015