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Issued August 08, 2007

Presidential Candidate Barack Obama Walks A Day in the Shoes of Oakland Homecare Worker

Oakland, CA- As part of SEIU's program to ensure that presidential candidates experience firsthand what life is like for working people in America, today Sen. Barack Obama walked a day in the shoes of SEIU member Pauline Beck.  His time with her began with an early morning breakfast and continued with Obama joining Beck as she cared for her 86-year-old client in his home.

Beck has been a homecare worker for her client John Thornton for four years. At breakfast, Beck introduced Sen. Obama to her daughter, an Oakland school worker, her grandnephew, and her two foster children. The two then traveled to her client's home to get him out of bed, prepare his breakfast, and help him to get ready to start his day. 

"Every day, I provide the care my client needs to remain in the home he's lived in for more than 40 years,"said Beck.  "Without homecare, he wouldn't even be able to get out of bed in the morning."

"After spending a day with me, I hope Senator Obama sees the energy homecare workers give to their clients, and what it takes a raise a family as a single mom."

SEIU members are inviting all candidates for president, Democrats and Republicans, to experience firsthand what their lives are like by walking in their shoes. Sen. Edwards, Gov. Richardson, and Sen. Dodd have all walked in SEIU members' shoes and Sen. Clinton, Sen. Biden and Gov. Huckabee will have done so by the end of the summer. 

Watch video of Barack Obama walking a day in the shoes of Pauline Beck:



Updated Jul 15, 2015